Known to be third largest of the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria, the typical Igbo communities are found in the southeastern part of Nigeria. And according to oral tradition and many writers of Igbo history, Eri is to the Igbos, what Oduduwa is to the Yoruba. But unlike Oduduwa whose father is unknown, Eri was the fifth son of Gad, the seventh son of Jacob (Genesis 46:15-18 and Numbers 26:16:18). He was said to have migrated from Egypt with a group of companions just before the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt thousands of years ago. There are other interesting arguments, with regard to the topic of this article, that has been presented by concerned Igbo scholars. Notable among them is the claim that the following Igbo words/phrases were used in the bible. 1. Jee na isi isi (Genesis) Known to be the first book in the bible, some Igbo scholars believe that the word is a corrupted version of the Igbo phrase "jee na isi isi" which when translated ...