What do people mean when they say they have fallen in love?
what do they actually notice about themselves that made them to come to that conclusion of affirmation?
what are usually the general feelings noticeable in those with such a claim, first by themselves and then by those close to them?
To say that one had fallen in love is to come to the awareness that you have suddenly developed a strong feeling of attraction to another person. You will observe that you feel deeply attracted to that person. You will often feel like being with that person and being with that person will make you feel very happy and highly excited. Such closeness will bring about deep fondness of both persons, if they happen to accept to be friends
Somehow, unfortunately, ad exciting as falling in love is, it is most concentrated more on EROS( sexual love). Falling in love has been most often presented as if once you fall in love you must have intercourse. This has also made falling in love looks as if it is only something that can only or must only take place between a man and a woman. It sounds abominable for a man to say that he has fallen in love with a fellow man or with a fellow woman. It is partly in this context that the idea of 'falling in love' with the wrong person evolved. In other words, if fallen in love is limited to Eros, then in reality one can fall in love with the wrong person. To fall in love with the wrong person also mean falling in love with a person that does not feel the way you are feeling towards him or her.
You can fall in love with somebody and the person will not know anything about it, unless you tell the person about it either directly or indirectly. This can be a very difficult thing to do. You can fall in love with a person you will practically not be able to express it or let the person know about it. You can fall in love with somebody you are not compatible with. One who falls in love can go through some emotional pain like sleepless, and intense missing of the person.
One person cannot fall in love with two person at the same time.But two person can fall in love with one person at the same time.IF WE FALL IN LOVE WE CAN ALSO FALL OUT LOVE..
Nice write up..it feels so good falling in love with the right person ..